Friday, November 13, 2009


10/29/09 first rolled over at daycare. i haven't seen it since... but he sure is trying!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

13 week update!

9/9/2009 - Gabriel got his first shot! It was the DTaP shot and they put it in his left thigh. He was fussy anyways since I was holding him down in an awkward position and once they gave him the shot I put his pacifier in his mouth and in a few seconds he was fine as if nothing happened. I think he's a tough little man!

9/11/2009 - Matt, Gabriel and I were making our first trek as a family to Lakeland to see my family. In the car we noticed that Gabriel was reaching out and diliberately grabbing things! How exciting! We had never seen him do this before and since then he's been looking at his hands and holding his hands together as well. Once, I caught him taking his pacifier out of his mouth with his hand but he looked so lost because he couldn't figure out how to put it back in his mouth! Cuteness!

9/18/2009 - I went back to work and Gabriel went to his first full day at daycare. The quality of sleep he gets there is not at all like what he gets at home. I hope he adjusts soon! I'm pumping at work so he continues to get mommy's milk :).

9/20/2009 - First day back to church for our family (took us long enough!). Matt and I dropped him off at the infant nursery and I think he did really well. When we picked him up he was fast asleep in the worker's arms!

9/23/2009 - His first stuffy nose. I used the aspirator but it didn't seem to help much. It must not be that serious!

9/25/2009 - His first cocktail reception! I took him to an evening reception that I had to be at for work. He was such a little angel smiling and cooing at all the strangers. He makes my heart melt!!

Friday, August 28, 2009

9 week update!

8 weeks with cousin Rebecca!

Here are some things that are new!

Last week when Gabe was 8 weeks Jenny and I took him to Best Beginnings and I weighed him. He weighed 12 pounds 15 ounces! What a porker :)

On Monday and Wednesday of this week he didn't poop. He has pooped every day of his life (even multiple times per day) so this was quite odd. The day after he doesn't poop he usually has quite a mess down there!

Lately, he's been finding his voice! Lots of talking and cooing and lots of ranges of pitch and volume. It's so cute! He'll wake up around 5 am sometimes and is so happy. He just looks around and laughs and talks!

He started screaming in the carseat! Egh, this is so not fun. He's done this three or so times now. If he's in the carseat and is overtired and can't settle himself down he'll scream and yell and cry until he gets out. Quite dramatic. Matt and I get so stressed out when this happens! Matt likes to turn on the radio but it stresses me out even more.

Last night I only fed him twice (which happened the previous night as well) once at 12 am something and again at 5 am. He woke up a few times between then but fell asleep when I put the pacifier back in his mouth. One day soon we're going to sleep a long solid stretch of sleep!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

6 week pp visit

Yesterday I went to my six week pp visit at the birth cottage - my last visit there. It was kinda bitter sweet, but it was a good visit. Baby Gabe weighs 11 pounds 10 ounces! Can you believe it? Where does the time go, really? When I was taking off his clothes in order to weigh him Missy was talking with him and he smiled at her and LAUGHED! My boy is a genius really. I'm pretty sure.

Right now he's swinging in his swing while sleeping. Every once and a while I will hear a little grunt come from him. It is the sweetest thing.

I'm pretty sure he's going through a growth spurt right now. Layla said growth spurts are at 3 & 6 weeks and 3 & 6 months. He eats every two hours around the clock lately. Ahhh... he's a happy boy!

Matt and Jesse calculated what we need to do for the roof last night so hopefully construction will start soon. Gabe and I will be high tailing it outta here when that happens!

I'm going to take some more photos today, so be on the lookout!

Friday, July 31, 2009

My Favorite Gabe Photos

Our Schedule 7/30-7/31 *i think*

7:00 pm - bath
7:30 pm - feeding and put down
9:00 pm - fell asleep in bassinet
12:30 am - feeding/sleep in bassinet
2:30 am - feeding diaper change
3:00 - 7:00 am - fussiness, feedings but stayed asleep
7:00 am - feeding/diaper change
8:30 am - sleep in pnp
10:00 am - feeding (slept through it)
1:00 pm - awake/feeding/diaper change
3:00 pm - still awake/diaper change
3:15 pm - nap in swing
3:45 pm - awake/feeding
4:45 pm - nap on me
5:30 pm - awake
5:45 pm - feeding
6:45 pm - small feeding
7:30 pm - sleep (for the night - he is already asleep!! usually it takes him awhile to put himself to sleep in his bassinet)