Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Another Tooth!

Gabriel got yet another tooth last week. Now he has his two front teeth (lower). With these teeth has come a fussy, fussy baby. Where is my angelic, never crying baby??

This week we're in Nashville, TN while Matt completes some FedEx training. Gabriel and I are hanging out in the hotel room/exploring Nashville - it's quite fun! I'm so thankful I'm a SAHM because I would not have this opportunity if I was still working.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Mama ~ Bababababa

This past Sunday, January 17th Gabriel just started saying mamamama and babababa all of the sudden. It was very cute! I hope he figures out soon that I'M mama. :)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

A Tooth!

This week, which is also the first week of January 2010, Gabriel cut his first tooth. Looking at him, it is his lower left front tooth. He doesn't seem unhappy or uncomfortable because of it which is good. He sure is biting everything he can and almost yelling while he does it. I'm scared he'll bite me!! Ack!

One week ago I had my last day at work. I am officially a stay at home mom. It's been a bit crazy transitioning to this - traveling and house demolition (Matt put in new shower plumbing) so I haven't quite settled into this role yet.

Gabriel is a good sleeper. Always has been. He goes to bed around 7 pm, and I feed him around 10 when I go to bed. Usually I only have to feed him 1-2 times in the night before he greets me good morning at 6:30 am or so (yawn!). During the day he takes about 3 naps and usually 1-2 of them are pretty long (2 hours or so).

I've been trying to feed him some purees as of late - which he hates! He shudders and gags and even vomits it back up (due to his gagging). I often wonder if I will be breastfeeding him his whole life! My new plan is to just feed him either rice or whole grain cereal until he tolerates that and THEN add more variety to his diet. We'll see how that works!

Right now he's taking a nap. When he wakes up I hope I can go out for a short walk and I hope it's not too cold! Lately it's been FREEZING here. Literally!
