Friday, March 19, 2010

New Things

Two front bottom teeth are in. Front right tooth is in. The tooth to the right of that tooth has pierced its way through and the tooth to the left of the front right tooth has poked through as well. What does that mean? That means that Gabriel has five teeth now. Awwwww :)

Check it out:

Gabriel is officially unswaddled. That doesn't mean that sleep is going well though. On the contrary, some nights he wakes up every two hours. Sigh. Last night he went to bed at 7:30 pm, woke up at 10:30 pm, 2 am, 4 am, and 6 am (that's when I brought him to bed with me). Not sure when he'll learn to sleep better but I hope it's soon!

I think Gabriel is going to crawl VERY soon. He can move around on the ground with his arms, army crawl, and roll to anywhere he wants to be. Sometimes we see him trying to get up on his knees. May day may day! Must. Baby. Proof. Soon.

Today I took him for a walk through downtown Quincy. He's so cute... he fell asleep on the way home. What a doll!

1 comment:

  1. Where did you find a blanket that keeps him swaddled for so long? Joseph hasn't used one in awhile, but maybe it will help him again now? I just can't find one that is light weight & long enough for him at almost 26 inches long!
