Sunday, May 2, 2010


Last week Matt stayed with Gabriel all week while I went to census training. That same week he decided to learn to stand up in his crib and jump. SO, we lowered his crib to the lowest setting. He is still moving all around - especially at bed time. He also started saying DaDa again. This time, he is saying it to Matt - so cute!

He is pulling up on everything now - in the tub, in the living room - whatever he can find. He still army crawls, but is on his hands and knees often and for real crawls a teeny bit. He loves to practice walking while holding on to someone's hands.

Yesterday we went to Monticello and he started waving - his first wave was to Christina aka "Chri-Nanny". Sometimes he waves with both hands, but most of the time he does just the one.

He can sign "all done" now. Since he learned how to wave the sign has turned into more of a wave.

When someone is holding him he will reach out to show you what he wants or where we should walk. It's kinda cute - but then I am realizing how much he has us wrapped around his finger ;).

Two weeks ago we called 911. In retrospect it was a knee jerk reaction of a first time parent, but if I was in that situation again I'd do the same thing. Gabriel had been running a fever and he was up.. he was shuddering and it was just weird what he was doing. It was 1 am and we were just watching him act really strange... then he started vomiting but he wasn't breathing. I don't know, but it really freaked us out. The paramedics were helpful and made sure everything was OK. Three days later the fever FINALLY went away. Dr. Oliver says he had some sort of virus or something.

Next Sunday is my first Mother's Day and we are getting him dedicated at Genesis Church. Can't wait!


1 comment:

  1. Thought you might be interested!

